How to Invest in Real Estate Online: A Beginner's Guide

Published on
August 29, 2024
invest in real estate online

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Through the advent of online platforms, real estate investing has become accessible to a wider range of people. In itself, this digital transformation opens up the market to even first-time investors desiring to get a taste of property ownership. If you're intrigued by the idea of generating passive income and building long-term wealth, online real estate investment might be the perfect avenue. In this guide, we are going to explore how to invest in real estate online and give nuggets on how you can navigate the digital landscape when it comes to real estate investing.

What is Online Real Estate Investing?

Online real estate investing involves the use of digital platforms and technologies in property markets. They further allow for various investment types within fractional ownership through crowdfunding campaigns down to REIT investments. Compared with traditional means, this is an innovative, much more accessible, liquid, and diversified way to enter into real estate markets.

While both online and traditional real estate investing offer avenues to generate wealth and diversify portfolios, there are notable distinctions:


Online Investing

Traditional Investing


Lower barrier to entry with smaller capital requirements

Typically requires significant capital


Higher liquidity, facilitating easier buying and selling when permitted

Lower liquidity, often involving lengthy transaction processes


Greater diversification potential across property types and locations

Limited diversification due to capital constraints


Passive investment with minimal property management responsibilities

Active investment requiring direct property management or hiring professionals


Potential for passive income and long-term appreciation

Potential for higher returns but subject to greater market fluctuations

Essentially, investors have a flexible and friendly route that requires no physical involvement in online investing. The traditional one involves much more capital and time through hands-on approach. The ideal choice depends on the goals, risk tolerance, and ability to invest by the investor.

Methods of Real Estate Investing

In case you want to invest in real estate online, there are several options open to you. Digital channels afford opportunities for investment which brings no initial capital outlay requirements and does not involve directly holding title to the properties.

Crowdfunding Platforms

Crowdfunding platforms have revolutionized the way people can invest in real estate online, making it more accessible to individuals who may not have the substantial capital typically required for traditional real estate investments. These platforms pool funds from different investors in funding real estate projects; hence, they allow investors to own fractions of a property without directly managing them.

Crowdfunding platforms enable participatory investments in residential and commercial properties suited for a hugely diverse range of risk appetites and financial needs.One of the big benefits of this strategy is that it offers a low threshold for entry; capital exposure can be relatively small. This attracts new investors in real estate who are usually small in size. 

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

The other popular method to invest in real estate online is through the buying of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). This way, large-scale income-producing property investment is opened to many individual investors. The REITs are companies or firms that have been registered with the main task of owning or operating income-generating properties in real estate. 

There are two major kinds of REITs: equity REITs, which deal in ownership and management of properties, and mortgage REITs, which deal in real estate debt investment. Shares bought from a given REIT distribute a diversified portfolio composed of several properties ranging from shopping malls, office towers, apartments, and hotels. The major benefits associated with participation in REITs include liquidity—every investor is at liberty to buy and sell its shares on major security exchanges within the shortest period of time.

Real Estate ETFs

Real Estate ETFs are diversified and accessible investment vehicles into the real estate market, with the ease and convenience of stock exchange investment. Basically, these are open-end investment funds that have a diversified portfolio comprising REITs, real estate development companies, or property management firms. Through a real estate ETF, an investor gets diversified exposure across real estate investments without having to manage stocks or buy property personally.

The other main advantage associated with real estate ETFs is that they give the investor a chance to spread the risk across many assets in real estate, hence reducing the poor performance of any single investment. They are normally traded on the mainstream exchanges for ease of entry, unlike other real estate properties that are illiquid in addition to having weekly or quarterly liquidity terms. 

Tokenized Real Estate

Tokenized real estate represents a cutting-edge method of online real estate investing, combining the traditional appeal of property ownership with the innovative potential of blockchain technology. Tokenized real estate refers to the process of breaking real estate into smaller divisions called digital tokens, which are sold to the interested investor. Each token stands for a part of the entire property offering, and so the investor is able to get the share in property without buying the whole asset.

Another advantage of using tokenized real estate is that it provides increased liquidity compared to a traditional real estate investment. In this case, the tokens are already being traded on specific marketplaces, thus facilitating an intention of buying or selling someone's stake in a property much easier and faster than in conventional real estate transactions.

Pros and Cons of Online Real Estate Investing

Any investment strategy, including online real estate investing, has its pros and cons. It's crucial to weigh these factors carefully before committing your capital.


  • Low barrier to entry: Making them accessible to a wider range of investors.
  • Greater diversification: Investors can easily diversify their real estate portfolios across different property types, locations, and investment strategies.
  • Passive income opportunities: Many online real estate investments offer the potential for generating passive income through dividends or rental payments.
  • Access to global markets: This enables investors to reach beyond the local region.


  • Market volatility: Economic downturns, changes in interest rates, and other types of changes may in turn impact the value of properties and investment returns.
  • Liquidity concerns: If the need arose to sell the investment quickly, it might be very difficult to do so.
  • Platform risks: One must do the necessary due diligence and choose a reputable platform that has a demonstrable record in offering strong investor protections.

How to Invest in Real Estate Online

Embarking on your online real estate investment journey requires careful planning and informed decision-making. Here's a step-by-step guide: 

1. Define Your Investment Goals

Ask yourself these questions: What are you financial goals? Would the best investment be for passive income, long-term growth or a mix of both? What is your risk-tolerance level? Are you comfortable making higher-risk, potentially higher-return investments, or are you more conservative?

2. Conduct Thorough Research

Explore the different online real estate investment options available, such as crowdfunding platforms, REITs, and online marketplaces. Look into specific platforms and investment opportunities—meanwhile, always keeping their success track record, the fees they charge, and the types of investor protections they put in place in mind.

3. Create a Budget and Investment Plan

Start by deciding what amount of online real estate investment capital you are ready to use. When you are clear about that amount, you can draw a well-diversified investment plan, fulfilling the goals and attitude toward risks. This is where an investor would seek advice from a financial advisor for a personal investment strategy.

4. Choose a Reputable Platform

Opt for a reputable platform with transparency and a good reputation. Some of the factors to look out for are the number of investment options and the number of educational resources.

5. Start Investing

Once you select the platform and investment opportunity available, open your account and fund it. It is paramount to review the investment details, along with the involved risks, before you commit any capital. Regularly monitor your investments and re-adjust them based on the conditions of the market and your goals for investments.

6. Diversify Your Portfolio

Don't put your eggs all in one basket. Diversification across property types, location, and investment strategy is recommended. Consider divesting in a mix of real estate crowdfunding projects, REITs, or other online real estate options.

7. Stay Informed and Engaged

Continue educating yourself about market trends in real estate and online investment. Make sure to stay updated on the performance of your investments and the platforms you use.

Concreit: Your Gateway to Online Real Estate Investing

Concreit offers a unique and powerful approach to online real estate investing, allowing you to participate in a diversified portfolio of consistent, first-lien mortgages. This strategy, traditionally favored by institutional investors, is now accessible to everyone, thanks to Concreit’s innovative platform

The platform has completed over 100,000 investments to date, gaining the trust and credibility of more than 40,000 satisfied customers. This broad base of support underscores the effectiveness of Concreit’s approach, providing investors with the opportunity to benefit from real estate without the challenges and responsibilities of direct property ownership. Plus, you can easily manage your investments on-the-go, track performance, and execute informed investment decisions using the intuitive app from Concreit.


This information is educational, and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security which can only be made through official documents such as a private placement memorandum or a prospectus. This information is not a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell an investment or financial product, or take any action. This information is neither individualized nor a research report, and must not serve as the basis for any investment decision. All investments involve risk, including the possible loss of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results or returns. Neither Concreit nor any of its affiliates provides tax advice or investment recommendations and do not represent in any manner that the outcomes described herein or on the Site will result in any particular investment or tax consequence.Before making decisions with legal, tax, or accounting effects, you should consult appropriate professionals. Information is from sources deemed reliable on the date of publication, but Concreit does not guarantee its accuracy.

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